Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Picking up the pieces

There comes a time in life when all the effort you've made to get something you want goes in vain,where once there was happiness there is now a void, where all the hope you had disappears,to be replaced by confusion and uncertainty,just like that in a moment,a minute,a second.

I know they say sometimes you have to take two steps back to make one leap forward but that's something we do only when things go wrong,think about it,how many times do you read about quotes on failure when you've succeeded? Almost never.It's only when you have a setback that you look at such quotes,it gives you temporary reassuring which is needed at the time,but deep down inside that sinking feeling is still there somewhere,waiting to be smothered by something,anything.

There are some things therapy can't cure. For everything else, there's ice cream.

To be honest it doesn't occur just once, so i shouldn't say there's a time it comes.Life gives you a series of such moments.

The obvious reaction to any moments like these is a high level of disappointment and it stings for a while.
But moments like these are the ones where you find out who's got the character to get through it and who doesn't.It's easy to be strong when it's all going hunky dory,but its the adversity which determines who you are and how you come out on the other side is the parameter by which people respect you...or don't.

While it isn't an overnight process and anything or anyone you've attached yourself to emotionally takes time to heal,it's important to keep going forward and not stand still,or worse,go backwards.

There are 3 types of people in this event.
1.The kind that pretend they didn't ever care about it in the first place.
2.The kind that tell people,which in turn loosens that burden and helps them move on quicker.
3.The kind that accept what's happened,just gulp it as "shit happens",move on and probably vow to never get so attached in the first place.

The Fourth kind

No such thing as right or wrong in types of people,to each his own but it's still important to acknowledge a problem when you see one,else it'll snowball into a bigger problem than it was in the first place and you'll be back to square one. 

Sometimes the best gift of all is being practical and knowing what stuff is real and what just helps pass time.

In life,circumstances don't always pan out like you want them to..forget always,they almost never do. You either sit and cry over why it turned out the way it did or you can use the times that are difficult, that frustration, that hurt to move on to better things.

It's easier to reminisce, its easier to just sit there doing nothing.
When your first instinct isn't to do one of those two things,you've made it.Until then,its a rocky road with pebbles all around to sting you. 

The moments in adversity are the ones that make you & at the end of the day, its a long journey that isn't always rosy and it's not always going to be happy.

It's all down to you to pick up the pieces and carry on.