Monday 11 June 2012

Keeping the faith

There are many things which piss off in life.Not getting what you want,not knowing what you want,the heat(Vellore temperatures seriously wtf!),the sheer ineptitude of certain people,being let down,screwing up an exam,a friend who "didn't study at all" doing well in the same exam,slow internet get my drift.

But no matter what you're still supposed to be keep the faith,be patient and reap the rewards.Apparently if you're patient enough things will come your way and life will magically work itself out.
Being impatient is a real kicker and you cant help but think how many times we end up in the same situations,time after time after time.

Sometimes it just feels like life's a re-run with different outcomes.

We can do a million things different and yet end up at a dead end.In fact you will always eventually reach a dead end in whatever path you chose, just have to make sure you haven't missed the last detour.

So how much does patience pay? A lot.


Being patient is one of the hardest things in life cause there's always that temptation to just lose your head and go ahead with the easiest option.It's hard to convince yourself there's a light at the end of the tunnel at certain points in life.

There's a famous quote which goes "There are plenty of fish in the sea",to which you'd sometimes think Yea,but you're nowhere close to the sea,you're far away in a desert,far away,all alone.

This guy is definitely in that place.

 Also, there's no guarantee being patient will always pay off but about 9 out of 10 times i'm sure people who've rushed into their choices regret it.

"Hum honge kamayab..ek din"
Morgan Freeman in Seven said, "It's easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life.It's easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work"

Read that in his voice and you'll know the power of such a simple statement.

Keeping the faith is hard,ask any football or sports fans in general,supporting a club week in week out,feeling shit after a defeat and going to bed,but still looking forward to the next game cause that's what a supporter is.

And that's how life works i guess,all about getting up after every setback.Not that coming back from a setback guarantees you wont have anymore,its a constant process and you just cant afford to get frustrated and give in.

Its clichéd advice,but patience is a virtue and if you want more ups than downs,you need an abundance of it. 

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